Am interested in desktop environments and enjoy using other's art forms and ideas.
Published on March 31, 2012 By ddraney In Personal Computing


Has anyone ever had this problem, where the shutdown popup menu is faded? If so, is there a fix for this? Thanks. Edit: After disabling windowfx 5, this problem disappears. Guess windowfx has a bug...not sure...

on Mar 31, 2012

I´m not really sure what you mean....What is the screenshot supposed to show ?

on Mar 31, 2012

When you click on the arrow next to the Shutdown entry in the Start Menu, a pop up menu appears with other options (Switch User, Log off, etc...). If you look carefully at that screenshot, the popup is not visible, only the pop up's drop shadow.

on Apr 01, 2012

When you click on the arrow next to the Shutdown entry in the Start Menu, a pop up menu appears with other options (Switch User, Log off, etc...). If you look carefully at that screenshot, the popup is not visible, only the pop up's drop shadow.
Aaahhhh... I see now...Hm

Clearly an internal collision or a Bug.

on Apr 02, 2012

Every skin, or just that one?

on Apr 02, 2012

Every skin, but I figured out the problem...when windowfx5 was enabled, this was apparent, however, disabled, I don't run into this.

on Apr 02, 2012

Every skin, but I figured out the problem...when windowfx5 was enabled, this was apparent, however, disabled, I don't run into this.

Any chance of narrowing down what part of WindowFX was causing it?

on Apr 02, 2012

I had every skin do that, aero or not. I was told to disable WFX5 and they worked again. Mine were the shutdown menu, admin menu, and recent menu. Funny that the control panel menu didn't have a problem (I use menu style not window style on those) Too bad, I really liked WFX5. I will run it again on the next release - it is beta after all.


etc. If the screen shot had been taken with a plain background you would have been able to see it better. If you go to my thread (something about WB) you can see a clear example.