Am interested in desktop environments and enjoy using other's art forms and ideas.

This may have been asked before, but since I just purchased a new laptop with Windows 8 on it, what Object Desktop apps (besides the obvious, Start 8, Decor 8, and Deskscapes), are compatible and can be used on this new OS? Does Stardock intend to make all their software compatible with Windows 8? Is Windowblinds going to be usable on it if it isn't already?

on Feb 15, 2013

This would be a good place to start.

You will find that some folks have found that even if the software doesn't show it as Windows 8 compatiable that for the most part others do work.

Here is another forum thread on the subject that may help also.


on Mar 28, 2013

i would like to know where  window blinds is for windows 8  im  up  for renewel  in april   for   object   desktop the works and  so far i   dont  have  anything but start 8   and  decor 8   descapes for 8    stardoxks my  colors  but  only  a few i purchased  work so pretty much  im not  paying  for  renewel  till i get what i paid for    for windows 8  and i paid for everything  but loved window blinds the  most   and descapes    please   het  goin on it  lol  pleasee ?   gotta pay my  dues soonand  for  me its not cheap    


on Mar 28, 2013

moon_dancer, you paid for products that work on Windows7. You got what you paid for. No one at Stardock told you to install Windows 8. 


Patience will get you what you want. But you already have what you paid for. 

on Jul 29, 2014

I've noticed that if I install ObjectDock, then Fences won't work. So I picked Fences. Since I updated to 8.1 I've noticed that Cursor FX is giving me problems. No matter which cursor I use, I have to click and click and move to another spot on the link, button, whatever, and keep clicking until it hits it. VERY annoying. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

on Jul 29, 2014

MouseGoddess, I'd try reinstalling CursorFX, or maybe even try a different mouse. I use CursorFX on Windows 8.1 with zero problems.


Just suggestions. I had a mouse to do that. It was a wireless mouse and what fixed it was to move the mouse closer to the receiver. I had to run an extension USB cable.


Anyway, I hope you get it fixed, but I don't think it's a Windows 8.1 thing.

on Jul 29, 2014

Funny you should mention that, but my mouse is a wireless trackball! One of the newer ones with the little tiny transmitter instead of the one with the dongle. Anyway, I did just recently move that little plug-in to a different USB port on the left side of the computer instead of being on the right, which is the side I have the mouse on. That may be the problem. I'll move it back. Thanks for the help! 

on Sep 05, 2014

Please give me back my pretty cursors I will pay more just to get them on my computer I have Windows 8 They take away my cursors and their themes are crap. AND they want you to pay for word Office or Home which i will go out and BUY the software on disc they can't take something I love away and expect me to download it I am keeping it thank you Microsoft Why don't you guys put together some kind of competition I have been using computers since commodore64 yep  I am old but I am also good I still have my netbook which they stopped making with windows 7 Not upgrading that THEY HAVE THE FULL MICROSOFT WORD on the windows 7 starter I thiught that was a given This is my secound computer with 8 I was ready to throw my HP out the window DELL never dies and I just gave the old one ( 1 year) Please give me back my cursors and themes I want pretty in my world again I love everything you guys do You want a review GIVE ME MY CURSORS BACK lol


on Sep 05, 2014

I gave the HP to my grandson it is still under warranty along with a 13 year old Dell that still works DELL is best

on Sep 20, 2014

windowblinds work on 8 . Except font/dpi  scaling )=.

on Sep 21, 2014

articulate133, CursorFX works fine on windows 8.

on Oct 20, 2014

Today suddenly my Deskscape refuse to work on my windows 8.1 pro... Someone have a solution ?